MiClub webinar series for MiClub users
Posted: 7th May 2020 in Golf Management, MiClub Golf

MiClub is hosting a series of interactive webinar for clients to help manage current challenges faced by golf club managers around Australia with the MiClub system. There will be separate video conferences running Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania, and New Zealand. In these sessions we will share helpful product functionality and tips. Our expertise will assist with understanding repercussions of various set ups and tools available within the MiClub platform that may not be currently used. This is a great opportunity for clubs and courses to share information and get operating as quick as possible.
The sessions will be held with Zoom video conferencing software. This program is free to download and easy to use! If you wish to participate in MiClub Weekly just sign up for the sessions and download Zoom so you can easily join the session.
*Invitations for session 2 will be sent out shortly! Don’t forget to sign-up.
Session 1 | Returning to operation: re-opening timesheets with new restrictions including lottery – Starting Thursday 7 May (Bookings closed) |
Session 2 | Implementing social distancing: Reducing contact with the MiScore app – Coming Soon |
Session 3 | Returning to operation: Managing competition fees with the lifestyle membership module – Coming Soon |
Session 4 | MiClub Communication Tools – Coming Soon |